Old website of our division.
• physics and chemistry of plasma, gas discharges |
• aplications of plasma, plasma technologies |
• physics of surfaces, surface analysis and heterogeneous catalysis |
• atomic and molecular spectroscopy, IR absorption spectrometry |
• pyrolysis, carbonisation and combustion processes |
• environmental technologies, exhaust gas treatments, utilization of greenhouse gases |
• synthesis of organic species in discharges from abiotic gaseous mixtures |
• alternative energy sources, hydrogen and solar energy |
• pyrolysis of municipal waste and waste water treatment |
Current projects:
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Former projects:
Interaction of cold plasma with water, the effects of plasma activated water to biological systems and their uses in medicine and agriculture (APVV-17-0382, 2018-2022, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Optical diagnostic of the interaction of water micro-droplets with electrical discharges used for bio-medical and environmental applications (1/0918/15, 2015-2017, principal investigator: Janda M.).The study of plasma processes in N2-CH4-CO2-H2O mixtures in order to utilize CH4 to partially oxidized hydrocarbons (1/0998/12, 2012-2014, principal investigator: Janda M.).Valorization of domestic sources of aluminosilicates (klinoptilolites) for water control (1/0193/09, 2009-2011, principal investigator: Chmielewska E.).System for direct pyrolysis of selected municipal waste with simultaneous exhaust gas cleaning, possibility to produce of liquid fuel and gaseous hydrogen (0267-06 , 2007-2009, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Thermochemical degradation of biomass with exhaust gases cleaning by electrical discharges, CO2 solidification, liquid fuel and gaseous hydrogen generation (1/3068/06 , 2006-2008, principal investigator: Morvova M.).CO2 Abatement and combustion exhaust utilisation connected with NOX&VOC removal in the form of solid product in low temperature plasma (APVT SK-US-027/2001, 2002-2005, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Greenhouse gases abatement with CO2 utilization, and nitrogen fixation to amino acids by electrical discharges and electrode catalysis (1/8312/01, 2001-2003, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Effect of parameters variation of anomal corona discharge on its ability to destruct unwanted pollutants from internal and external sources (1/5183/98, 1998-2000, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Ultrasonic and corona discharge devices for respiratory deseases healing and prevention, and for indoor air cleaning (96-513-IV-04, 1996-1998, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Mechanisms of corona discharge influence on exhaust gases and the possibilities of products’ recycling (1/2188/95, 1995-1997, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Study of plasma-chemical and electro-catalytic processes in discharge system for corona discharge in various mixtures interesting from ecological point of view (1/990138/92, 1992-1994, principal investigator: Morvova M.).