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Non-thermal plasmas generated by electrical discharges can initiate chemical reactions in normally inert gaseous mixtures. Environmental applications of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas for flue gas cleaning from various pollutants have therefore received great attention during the last few decades. Electrical discharges can be also used to seek for the novel environmentally friendly synthesis of various chemicals.
Due to a wide range of possible applications, there is no "best" electrical discharge. New types of discharges are therefore still being developed and studied, with a focus on efficiency, power requirements, stability, reliability and simplicity. We study several discharges, described in the section 1, suitable for various environmental applications. More details can be found in subsections 3.3 - 3.6. The subsection 3.2 describes the diagnostic techniques we use for the monitoring of the gas phase composition changes induced by electrical discharges in the studied mixtures.